We're looking for enthusiastic people looking to co-create a backcountry experience. You don't need to be a sponsored mountaineer or a professional biologist, but it helps to know what you’re signing up for. Chulengo's likely the place for you if you're excited about:

  • Sleeping in a tent every night and smiling through variable weather every day

  • Carrying a backpack of 30 - 45 lbs while hiking 6 - 12 miles/ day with up to 2500 ft of elevation gain (varies somewhat expedition to expedition, but those are useful parameters)

  • Diving into group conversations about conservation and working cooperatively with others

  • Embracing the risk and uncertainty that's inherent to remote backcountry travel


Expedition Application

We ask all our participants to submit a simple application -- think of it as the beginning of a conversation. Once we've received your information, we'll email you and begin the process of preparing you for your trip, which will include completing a health form and waiver, and beginning to train and organize gear for the expedition.

Note: we're often in the mountains, so we appreciate your patience if we are slow to respond!

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