Chulengo Expeditions


Expeditions in and for the wild



Expeditions in and for the wild

We need wild places, and wild places need us.


In remote Patagonia, our expeditions explore vast landscapes, challenging our bodies, rewilding our minds, and bringing us more fully alive.

At Chulengo, we believe that time immersed in nature reminds us that we are part of nature. Walking all day feeling wind on your face, hearing rivers and birdsong, noticing tiny orchids and faraway glaciers, and then sleeping in an ancient forest: these experiences offer powerful reminders of the wild, physical, beautiful world to which we belong. Most of us cannot live outdoors most of the time, but we can spend a week (maybe two) in deep immersion.

Our expeditions live out this belief. We teach outdoor skills to enable you to switch from consumption-mode (be it entertainment, things, or even nature) to maker-mode: creating our own well-being and experience. Days follow the rhythms of the weather and our energies, while making space for reflection, meandering conversations, and solo observations. We love Patagonia, and want you to fall in love with this place as well–so we share perspectives and knowledge to deepen your understanding and appreciation of this place.

In short, we offer real adventures in truly wild places, led by folks who call this place “home.”


We’re rooted in the Aysén region of Patagonia, a wild, spectacular, and less-discovered place, now home to Chile’s newest national parks.

After years of working with Tompkins Conservation toward the creation of Patagonia National Park and 16 other national parks in southern Chile, we have a deep commitment to the stewardship of these protected areas and the thriving of the neighboring communities and working landscapes. Our focus is expeditions for student groups, from high school through MBA programs; we also run custom expeditions for groups, and open-enrollment expeditions for individuals and pairs looking to trek with others.



Chulengo: our backstory

What's in a name? A century ago, millions of guanacos (a llama-like camelid) and their young, locally known as chulengos, roamed Patagonia. Expanding sheep ranching pushed these native foragers out of prime grasslands, and their population shrank drastically. In Patagonia National Park, the spiritual launching point for our project, the chulengos of spring are symbols of restoration, as grasslands rebound from overgrazed ranch to national park. At Chulengo Expeditions, we trace our roots back to Tompkins Conservation, the team behind the restoration and protection of millions of acres in Chile and Argentina. Curious and energetic, each chulengo reminds us of the power in each of us to work toward a wilder world.



Our Commitment to Aysén


For Chile’s ambitious new system of national parks to truly succeed, it must generate livelihoods for the nearby communities and support conservation-based prosperity. We take seriously our responsibility to support Aysén-based businesses and families. Every year, in partnership with our expedition participants, we direct a share of our profits to local social and environmental causes.


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